Talk:European XBRL Taxonomy Architecture V3.0

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[IS] a. In page 4, Introduction, general, paragraph first, line 4. The reference “[Bund13, p.3]” is referenced in the 47, and it is a “Internal Working Draft.”. If it is internal is not public, then the reference is not valid, because the general public cannot read.

[IS]rr. In page 48 the reference number [5] is Internal draft as is not public then this cannot be referenced.


[IS] b. In page 4, Introduction, general, paragraph first, line 7. I believe that “XBRL taxonomies are metadata specifications that provide a formal description of the data requirements to be used as data format in the European reporting process.” is a definition very formal, and it must be stand out, maybe with full stop.


[IS] c. In page 4, Introduction, general, paragraph second: “These pages are hosting the guidelines to an European XBRL Taxonomy Architecture (EXTA).”. You repeat the meaning of EXTA, maybe: “These pages are hosting as guidelines to EXTA.”.


[IS]d. In page 4, Introduction, general, paragraph fourth: “… authorities EBA and EIOPA for the electronic data…”, maybe “… authorities European Banking Authority (EBA) and European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) for the electronic data…”.


[IS]f. In page 4, Target audience, first line: “EXTA is targeted at taxonomy authors. Initially organizations like EBA, EIOPA, ESMA, ECB etc.”. Maybe: “EXTA is targeted at taxonomy authors. Initially organizations like EBA, EIOPA, European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), European Central Bank (ECB) etc.”.


[IS] j. In page 7, section 2.12: “perspectives are extended linkroles that have a child node <link:usedOn>link:presentationLink</link:usedOn>…”. Maybe: “Perspectives are used as data views of the supervisor or regulator and they are defined as extended linkroles that have a child node <link:usedOn>link:presentationLink</link:usedOn>…”, or accoding to the definition at begin of the section 3.3.1, page 11: “Perspectives are auxiliary concepts meant to group dimensions for presentation purposes and are used as data views of the supervisor or regulator and they are defined as extended linkroles that have a child node <link:usedOn>link:presentationLink</link:usedOn>…”


[IS]lMaybe: replace URI by Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)


[IS]m. In page 11, before the section 3.3: “…The role defined in the model.xsd schema for resources representing codes of rows or columns is [EBA12, pp. 7].”. Maybe: “…The role defined in the model.xsd schema for resources representing codes of rows or columns is [EBA12, pp. 8].”.


[IS]n. In page 11 and 12 would add: “…If the model:fromDate attribute is not included, then the concept is assumed to be valid for any period prior to the model:toDate attribute. If the model:toDate attribute is not included, then the concept is assumed to be valid for any period after the model:fromDate attribute. If neither model:fromDate nor model:toDate attributes are included, then the concept is assumed to be current for any period of time, the figure X shows an example. …”.

(see the Word File for correct details) Concept. model:fromDate model:toDate Valid from to. Assets 2011/2/13 2012/2/13 Only valid from 2011/2/13 to 2012/2/13 Liabilities 2011/2/13 Valid from 2011/2/13 Real Estate 2012/2/13 Valid only until 2012/2/13 Profit Valid forever


[IS]o. In page 13, section 3.3.2, paragraph first: “… the period type (instant / duration) plus additional semantics …”. Maybe: “… the period type (instant / duration / forever) plus additional semantics …”.


[IS]s. In page 15, second paragraph at least: “We distinguish eight different types of mappings rules between the two graphs [Tae+, p. 1-9]:”. Maybe: “We distinguish XXXX different types of mappings rules between the two graphs and they are shown in this section [Tae+, p. 1-9]:”. I believe that are nine with C2A.


[IS]z. Page 24, figure 6, between Hierarchy and relationshipSet the transformation C2RSS, maybe is C2RS, according to the page 14 of the document. [IS]bb. Page 25, figure 7, between Hierarchy and relationshipSet the transformation C2RSS, maybe is C2RS, according to the page 14 of the document. [IS]ee. In page 26, figure 8 you have trim in the top (“CalculationLinkbase”), is C2RSS or C2RS? [TD] I can not edit the graphs for those corrections


[IS]ii. In page 32 figure 12 the transformation C2A is not defined en page 14. [IS]kk. In page 34, in figure 13 is not defined C2R, also C2A in page 14. [IS]nn. In page 36 figure 14 the transformation C2A is not in the specification of the pages 14 and 15.


[IS]pp. In page 37 fourth paragraph I don’t know the sentence “The naming convention for variables is lower camel case notation.”. I’m sorry, this same sentence is the EBA document (page 20).


[IS]qq. Page 40, second paragraph: “… These files are placed in the “val” folder of the corresponding taxonomy, together with files to define preconditions and filters14 of common use shared by different assertions in the taxonomy and parameters. …”. The number 14 is a reference of the EBA document that is added in the next sentence.


[IS]ss. Page 44 paragraph fifth: “…hier-pre.xml, hier-def.xml and (optionally) hier-cal.xml files, in the ELRs of the European authority;”. This paragraph is difficult understand for me, what is “ELRs of the European authority”?


[IS]tt. In page 46 section third tables, subsection i) at the end: “… Should the NSAs extension follow table codes used by the European authority?”. Is this question correct to do in this document?

[IS]uu. In page 47 section fifth Module, subsection i) at the end: “…Should NSAs module codes follow the codes assigned by the EBA?”. Is this question correct to do in this document?


[IS]vv. As the reference number [3] is very used maybe this document hast to incorporate to this set of document,

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